Medusa Mirrored

by Lucy Carolan

In the beginning of decreation is a sign, and the sign is ?

Why? Well, why not? Shall we begin? Shall we drop
everything? You’re not busy, are you? Oh, you are? You
have a deadline? What is it? Will you make it in time?
What are you thinking? What are you doing? What do you
think you’re doing? Where has that idea come from? Is it
original? Hasn’t it been done already, much better, by
someone else? Hasn’t it been done to death? Is it worth
the effort? What does it matter? Will anyone care? Is it
of any value? Why would anyone fund this? Would you?
Really? Who does it benefit? Anyone? What is its function?
Is it useful? What earthly use is it? What do you mean,
“Fuck Arte Útil!”? The fuck are you on? What the fuck is
it for? What do you mean you don’t know? Why don’t you
know? Why use that technique? Why this approach and not
another? Why that material specifically? Does it serve
purpose? Does it meet the brief? Is it trite, hackneyed?
Naive? Amateurish? Ill-conceived? Bastardised? Half-baked?
Isn’t it hideous? Horribly obvious? Isn’t it too obscure?
Is it accessible enough? How can you be sure? Does it need
an explanation? Could you be more concise? Why is it that
shape, that shade, that size? How are those choices
appropriate? What if you’re wrong? What if it doesn’t
work? What if it doesn’t turn out how you imagine it
should? Should you trust your intuition? Isn’t that risky?
Why not stick with what you know? Wouldn’t that be
self-plagiarism? What does that even fucking mean? Have
you really thought it through? Have you thoroughly
evaluated? What’s the plan exactly? Where’s your Gantt
chart? Might you have forgotten something? What was it
now? Is it important? Is it vital? Can you live without
it? What are you trying to say exactly? Why are you
telling me this? What makes you think I give a shit? Is it
meaningful? Is it worthwhile? How is it relevant? Does it
make any sense at all? Is it beside the point? What is the
point? Why haven’t you finished yet? What’s the deadline
again? Is too late to start over, from scratch? Is that
really the best you can do? Why not try something else?
Can’t you try harder? What made you think you could do
this? Where did this self-belief come from? Hasn’t
experience taught you anything? And who are you anyway?
Who do you think you are? Why aren’t you listening to me?
Why are you doing this to yourself? Have you heard
yourself? What makes you so special? Why don’t you just
shut the fuck up? What would you know anyway? Why are you
so stupid? Why don’t you ever learn? Does it always have
to be so painful? Why draw attention to yourself? Why risk
failure? Humiliation? Why be so hard on yourself? Why not
take a break? How about some fresh air? Aren’t you hungry?